COFAE is founded in 2006 and it agglutinates the principals Spanish performing arts fairs and at present it has 19 associated fairs. As third sector, it pretends to accomplish its public service objectives, promoting actions of coordination, training, collaboration, communication and diffusion of fairs as a professional meeting place and commercial exchange. A space of reflection that stimulates the dynamization of the performing markets with the strong compromise for promotion of the professional industry of performing arts.

CircoRED is the Federation of Associations of Professionals of Circus in Spain, formed by the associations of the autonomies that exist in the present: Associations of Circus of Andalusia (ACA), Associations of Professionals of the Circus of Catalonia (APCC), Associations of Professionals of the Circus of the Valencian Community (APCCV), Associations of Circus of Galicia (APCG), Association of Professionals, Artists and Creators of Circus of Madrid (MADPAC), Association of Professionals of Circus of Cantabria (ACPC), Association of Professionals of Circus of Aragon (CARPA), Euskal Zirko Elkartea (EZE), Association of Professionals of Circus of the Murcia Region (APCM), Association of Professionals of Circus from the Balearic Islands (APCIB), Association of Circus of the Canary Islands (APCIC) ), Association of Professionals of Circus of Castilla and León (CCLAP) and Association of Professionals of Circus of Extremadura (APCEX). CIRCORED represents the sector of association of circus in front of governmental institutions to promote the flow of information, communication and knowledge about circus in these different territories nowadays.
In this context, the next objectives are:
- To recognize circus as a first level artistic manifestation, reenforcing its cultural value and bringing it closer to a plane of equality and independence of the rest of the performing arts.
- To professionalize circus, to promote the knowledge on legal aspects, organization, and management.
- To detect the necessities of today’s circus.
- To be the consultant organization in terms of circus in front of any situation related to this sector.
- To be the interlocuteur with public and private institutions.
- To be an information point and consultant for professionals in circus.
- To improve training and professionalization of the sector.
- To facilitate information and collaboration between professionals.
- To diffuse the circus sector either in the country or abroad.
- To participate in social networks, platforms of cooperation, and other organizations.

The purpose of the APCC is to spread and normalize circus, to keep growing the profession, and to promote a major presence of circus in culture and society. To achieve it, it interacts with institutions, training, creation, and production in the tax and employment framework, exhibition circuits, diffusion, and historical heritage. On one hand, it analyzes the needs of circus, and it works to achieve better professional conditions and the public recognition of all the sectors; and, on the other hand, it proportionates regularly to all its associates news to exercise their profession. All members, in addition, have the benefits of the permanent work of diffusion and promotion of circus that is made by the institution.
- To offer tools of professionalization and recycling to all professionals in the sector.
- To initiate and follow up on cultural policies to improve and normalize the circus sector and performing arts.
- To unite and represent the community of circuses.
- To initiate and accompany initiatives to vertebrate and dynamize the sector.
- To divulge circus in the cultural, social, and economic life of the country.

ACE - Acción Cultural Española
Acción Cultural Española is a public institution dedicated to impulse and promoting the cultural heritage of Spain, inside and outside its frontiers, through an extensive program of activities and initiatives that incentivize the mobility of professionals and creators.

Pla d'Impuls del Circ
The 2nd Impulse Circus Plan of Catalonia 2023-2026 is an initiative of the Departament de Cultura of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Association of Professionals of Circus of Catalonia (APCC), that counts with the collaboration of the Ateneu Popular 9 Barris, the Centre de les Arts del Circ Rogelio Rivel, Encirca’t, Fira Trapezi, la Central del Circ, the Mercat de les Flors, and the complicity of different towns, organizations, and performing arts equipment of Catalonia.
It sees 14 measures that respond to the next strategic objectives: impulse, reinforce research, investigation, and innovation; promote creation and production; create circuits; reinforce national and international projection and diffusion; structure and regulate training; support equipment and specific institutions of the sector; potentiate professionalization and specialization; diffuse and promote circus in society; and develop projects related to sustainability and access.

Catalan Circus, International Rings, is the measure of internationalization coordinated by the APCC inside the 2nd Impulse Circus Plan. It aims to develop and reinforce the international projection of the Catalan Circus, promoting the different aspects, tools, agents, and profiles that make it possible, facilitating international connections and relations that can be long-lasting.
The measure has four axes of work within the period of 2024-2026. This axes, which are complementary to each other, will be translated to the creation and consolidation of the professional relationships of Europe, the promotion of artworks and artists, the training and creation of new professional profiles that help international distribution, and the consolidation of the APCC as an articulator agent of the sector at an international level.

The Association of Distribution and Managing Companies of Performing Arts (ADGAE) is the only association of distributors that gathers professionals from all the Spanish territory. It promotes a right distribution, a diffusion that contributes to success and to the visibility of the artistic, cultural, and, of course, that finally connects with audiences. We claim the figure of the connoisseur of milieu in which his or her work can be developed and committed with the artistical facts and the distribution of the performing arts as a part of the creative process, that culminates with the correct public diffusion and communication.
Our mission is to give visibility to the figure of the distributor and to ensure that distribution will be considered essential in any project in the future.

El Collective of Distributors of Performing Arts in Catalonia (CDAEC) is a network of professionals dedicated to distribution and mediation in performing arts, united for the defense of the necessities and the right of our profession to unify the work criteria.
It offers mentoring between creation and the programming institutions that are capable accompanying the creative process and introducing it to the market.
Its objectives are:
- To work within a framework of acts and relationships between the agents of the cultural sector to define an ethical guideline in an accurate and respectful way.
- To commit keeping the network growing, joining forces, resources, ideas, and motivations to establish bases and to question practices in our profession.
- To build up a space of reflection in this moment of change and transition.
- To achieve better working.
- To define a contract base.
- To assert that the piece did a good job, independent of the direct success of the piece in the market.
- To create a table of general economic metrics.
- To be present in the artistic productions from the beginning for the organization as in the company budget.
- To defend the interests of the distribution companies, considering all the possible distribution models.
- To establish a relationship with other associations in the sector and with public institutions.
- To think about the future of the profession.
- To work in an inclusive way with professionals in distribution in order to work together.
Castell del Cambrer
Plaça del Castell, 3A, Reus
Accreditations schedule
- Wednesday 8: 10am – 2pm / 4pm – 7pm
- Thursday 9: 10am – 2pm / 4pm – 7pm
- Friday 10: 10am – 2pm / 4pm – 7pm
- Saturday 11: 10am – 2pm / 4pm – 7pm